I Have A Few Questions... 1. Has Anyone Used This Amp Before. 2. Would It Power Both Subs Efficeintly. 3. Does Anyone Know How Long The Sell At Edesignaudio.com Is Going To Last? 4. Would I Be Better Off In The Long Run To Just Go Ahead AndBuy The Rockford Amp.( If It Will Power The Subs Good Enough. ) 5. I'm Still Looking For A Descent Head Unit. Any Suggestion? Thanks In Advance... Lazy Eye
that amp has plenty of power for those subs. i was just saying for less money you can get a slightly more powerful amp. if you wanted.
that sale shouldnt last to long... cause once they are out... theyre out. if you can afford them you should get them.
it will last as long as you dont abuse it i guess.^_^ i still have a hifonics vulcan from 1987~88. working. in my truck now! now thats when amps were made to last. my PG amps are from 92~93 era and still work too.
Ok, Sweet... And I Am Broke, So I'm Trying To Talk My Parents Into Getting Them For Me For Christmas....