I knew I kept seeing your name at the bottom...Wondered what was up.. It's cool...I will be anxiously waiting..wanna buy my wood and start building the box... Willy
soooo azn.can/will my idea work? 3 8's in my 2.0 cu ft probox. not sure on its tuning but i does go low. i'm sure it will fit within the .5 to .7 cu ft space requirements per sub.
ok point taken. will have your box built. can you get me all the measurements for the wood? some were left out of your original drawing.
Perfect! I couldn't find it and just got irritated and gave up lol. Specifications Theile Parameters TS Subwoofer Speaker Car Audio Elemental Designs 9KV.2 Qts: .30 Qes: .38 Qms: 3.5 Fs: 23.00Hz Re: 7.4 Vas: 45L Mms: 71.4g Bl: 15.34T*m SPL: 83.43dB Sd: 231cm² Xmax: 14.1mm Voice Coil: 38.0mm Magnet Width: 4.800" Cutout Diameter: 7.250" Mounting Depth: 4.375" Weight: 10lb Total Height: 4.900" Displacement: .05 ft³ Outside Diameter: 8.375"
so in the box azn designed what kind of output can i expect? i want the bass to be accurate and loud too. if they can do mid 130's and go low i'll be happy.
Pedro after you build this trio of 8's I'll find time to design a front loaded horn for a couple of these isoloaded.
aznboi.... I am looking to put three of these subs in a box for the rear of my blazer...On the first page of this thread you have an illustraion of this box...I am wondering if the outside dimensions can be changed to fit my space...That box is 20.5" by 9.5" by 35.5"....I can make the 35.5 up to 38 and the 9.5 up to about 10.5.....Is that do-able? Willy
hurry up azn i'm kicking your ass haha..Pedro if these were mine i would do this, it's in the middle, should hit low nice and get very loud at the same time. I'll let azn do the lower tuned box. So you have your choice or build them both lol. 2.989 cu feet tuned to 36.81 hz, peaks at 139.4 db @ 38 hz two 4" ports PVC 14" long each .