Well, i guess that sub doesnt like 2ohm burps from my amp... lol The good thing is that I had fun for like 10 seconds
i didnt really fry it.. it melted the tinsle leads off inside the dust cover. i used the sub consecutively around 300 watts dailyish. but then i think i gave it a good 400-450.
I plugged my EHQS12 into the wall socket..4 ohm sub It took about 5-6 three second burps from the 120 volt socket before dying
how do you know if the sub is clipping? I mean, i know what it sounds like when vocals and stuff are but what about a sub? I don't want to screw my stuff up.
A speaker doesn't "clip"...clipping refers to the signal to/from the amp. A speaker plays what it is sent. Clipping can be heard...but by the time you hear clipping the levels are over 10% anyways. You can play a sine wave and hear the signal clip and change pitch and sound like crap...when you hear that back it down a bit.
ok, here's the deal. the false floor is upholstered already but the box isn't. I want to post the pics and vids once it's all done (upholstery and tuning) cuz I don't want you guys to laugh at my set up. lol
i've learned the hard way about clipping as most of you know. The best i can set it now is with the stereo on 3/4 loud you can bring up the sub gain on your deck until you hear the bass changing, getting muffled or your turning up the sub gain past a point and it doesn't get louder while your turning it up then your well into clipping. If your at a point where your turning up the sub gain on the deck and it's not getting louder then your clipping it pretty good. If this is the case go back to the amp and back off the gain there a bit. You should be able to turn up the sub gain to +2db or +4 db without clipping when it's set right. My deck i have my sub gain usually around -12db for most music. But all music is different quality so sometimes i bring it up around +2db
Ok, here are some pics of the build and the with it in the car. I still have to cover the box yet. I plan on doing that this weekend along with the tuning. When i have to tuning finished I'll post some vids... there are a lot of pics...