I would do something like my brother's bandpass box in this car but I am not allowed to cut anything mainly because the gas tank is behind the back seat. but I could in my mustang which is where most of this stuff will go hopefully in a couple weeks.
I have that same exact amp...its a beefy amp....heavy as hell. 800 watts at 4 ohms bridged is a beast of 2 channel amp...only thing is that its a current hog when wired at 2 ohms though...at 4 ohms stereo its pretty good. Johnny I'm not sure about the CV subs...I've never heard nor had any experience with them...they look built pretty well though and decently beefy.
I did in post 60 I believe. you have the same amp azn? it used to be my brothers 4 channel until he a JL 450/4... it drains the battery in the benz really quick when driving because it gives a warning of excess electrical consumption. cant upgrade the big three so I will have to deal with it.
is this a good sub? http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_9752_Xtant+X2.1244+-USES+STANDARD+ROUND+CUTOUT-.html#
I haven't looked through all the threads in this, but what exactly r u looking for? I see your first post looking for four 12", then not sure, then I see the Xtant (i never heard of) sub for 230. Like if it was me looking for expensive subs I would go with a brand that I know about. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_6367_--+SPECIAL+--+Kicker+06S12L72.html
xtant came out in 95.and yes when they came out their stuff was awesome. but i dont know too much about them anymore to say go for it. at that price you could buy a whole mess of 12's from ED. 50 each is a steal.
The cerwin vega stroker hits just as hard and probably harder than the kicker L5 or L7s but it can take 2000 watts rms too. Sorry don't know about the v-max
i was thinkin about a stroker... electro is that an awesome sub or will i want 4 of those too? what do u think it could hit?
i was thinkin about kicker but idk yet. i am thinkin about 4 13kv.2's now cause 4 D4's would be perfect at 1 Ohm and they r only 50 bucks. but, they want like 60 for shipping lol. what do u all think would be louder and lower... 4 13kv.2's or 1 cerwin vega storker 12? the 4 would have more cone area but idk... cause the stroker looks like friggin BEEFY sub!
I think you'd get more out of 4 13kv.2's. a lot more cone area there. they want $60 for the shipping of all 4 subs? that's not bad.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=ljF1r00tGIg thats kinda what i was thinkin too. i am leanin towardds it right now, especially right after iseen that video lol.
holysh*t! you could actually see the windshield flex. not to mention the headliner going crazy. get the 4 13kv.2's!!!
how would this amp do? i am thinkin of goin for it... it is just so much money while i am tryin to build the car! lol http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_12211_Hifonics+BXi+1608D.html#
http://cgi.ebay.com/CRUNCH-PZi1500-...ryZ64570QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem these amps are good too and 1/2 the price.
how much power sould i give those subs? i was thinkin 400 or so but that is a lot of power to get out of an amp. or, should i go for 800RMS @ 1Ohm and use 2 of the same amps, or would that cause many problems in tuning?
http://sonicelectronix.com/item_9618_Crunch+PZi+1000.1.html# 2 of these but possibly from ebay for cheaper?