my box

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by cccullen, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    box specialists, i need your help. I have this box design for my 13Ov.2's. Looks good to me then i just remembered the box that azn designed for me had bracing. this design doesn't show any bracing. take a look... will it be ok? it's tuned to 35hz, i know nothing about tuning so do you think the subs will sound good with this box? i'm going to start working on this weekend for sure if it looks ok to you guys.

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  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    I'd just add some dowel bracing front front to back and top to bottom.

    Also add a 45 in the middle of the port to more smoothly direct the air flow
  3. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    what do you mean by adding a 45 in the middle of the port? and doing this won't affect the sound or tuning of the box?
  4. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    it shouldn't as along as its the right size

    basically adding a triangle where the two ports along the back wall turn to the main port
  5. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    sorry for being such a retard, do you mean somewhere here? should it be from the top to the bottom? do you think the 13Ov.2's will sound good tuned at 35hz?

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  6. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    no....the 45 would go in the middle of the enclosure on the back wall.

    The 13Ov.2's should sound just fine tuned at 35Hz...what size is the enclosure though??

    My 19Ov.2 sounded awesome in the 6 cubes tuned to 40Hz enclosure.
  7. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    ah i got ya. on the back wall. ok... according to the guy who made it for me it's 2 cubes per chamber. z-lite on ICIX did it for me.
  8. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    where exactly should i put the bracing? maybe on the left side of where the sub will go (front to back) away from the port wall and the vertical bracing should go where?

    sorry for being such a dumbass. I've never tried doing a vented box. I need all the help i can get. lol

    I'm going to be doing it tomorrow afternoon and on sunday both the false floor and box.
  9. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    my box for my 12's is tuned to 40hz and it had no deep bass output at all below that

    it did get loud but most of my music has some deep bass lower than 40. at least 30's.

    so one day i would like to make my own and see.
  10. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Mine played 30hz pretty well for being tuned high. My old box that ranger designed with the single 15 was tuned to 40hz and still played down into the 30s pretty well...Hmm..weird.

    anyways 2 cubes at 35Hz should dig down pretty deep still.

    I'd put bracing (front to back) to the right and left of each cutout

    Then one on each side going from the top to the bottom
  11. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    ok, got it. If i can't get a hold of some dowels, can I just use MDF? what size should i cut it to. i know the height but width is where i'm fuzzy..

    I know where the 45 should be put, and i know it should be the whole height of the inside of the box but how far should it come out? just make it so the angle would be 45 degrees?
  12. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    I guess i can do what you told me to do before with the box for the L5. instead of a dowel i'll just use mdf 3 inches wide.
  13. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    dowel can be had at lowes....or 3 inch wide strips will do...for the front to back braces place the strips horizontal to not affect the port as much...maybe round over the ends
  14. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    lol. Don't have lowes in the Philippines.
  15. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Problem..... Ok, I had the all the box cuts done. I'll post pictures tomorrow. Now, If you look at the measurements again. The front of the box where the hold for the sub is, is 23 1/8". The whole box width is 48'. Here's the problem, 23 1/8 x 2 = a little over 46", right? Now the sketch up calls for a 3 1/2' vent opening and what it's at now is less than 2".

    How do i fix this? can someone help me out with this? I was thinking of just cutting down the 2 front pieces in order to give me the 3 1/2 vent. would that be ok?

    I need help!!!

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  16. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Ok, here are some pics. Good thing i didn't assemble the box yet. Should i just cut down the 2 front pieces so it will give me a 3 1/2" port? I'm really not sure what to do here but that seem like the logical thing to do.

    I also took pics of the space available i have. It's huge... Finally got the rear seats out of my car.

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  17. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    You lose relative gain by tuning lower. I other words, its not as loud. Tuning lower does NOT make it play lower. If you wanna get lower, make the box bigger.

    Most competition boxes are tuned to 55Hz or more. In competition volume is everything. The highest I recommend for a daily driver is around 45Hz.

    Azn, 40 hz was chosen for your box in order to take advantage of the length of you truck.
  18. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    I see. this box was designed to get loud and to be able to pick up some low. I just have this big problem now with the vent. I should have been 3 1/2" wide but after I did all the cuts (which were done perfectly) the vent came out less than 2".
  19. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    the main vent width should be double what it is when it splits

    lol your cuts were not perfect if the measurements are off
  20. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    lol. my cuts were exact to the cut sheet made. I guess the measurements were off on the cut sheet. I contacted the z-lite on ICIX. I still have to make the wedge though. I just stopped what i was doing when i realized that the vent was off.

    I did everything it said to do. I guess i should just redo the face (where the sub holes are) and cut em down a bit on either side to give the 3 1/2" vent.