
Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by sl0wm03, May 1, 2008.

  1. sl0wm03

    sl0wm03 Full Member

    Alright well basically, I'm not sure what is wrong here. On my way to work today my bass just stopped, I was normally bumpin like always and it just stopped. So like I was about to die, I pulled my car over, popped the trunk and check to see if my ground was still in because it sometimes comes loose, but the ground was perfect. I looked at the power light and my amp was still on, so I checked the sub wires, they were still perfectly in contact. So sadly I went on to work with the music playin on highs. Got to work took the amp out of my car and put it inside to maybe it'll cool down because I thought it over heated. In the building for like 8 hours or so, I went and wired it back up, and still... no bass. I unplugged it, checked the my fuses, and both of my fuses were blown. So I went down the street to loves and got some fuses. Happilly I thought i was gonna be bangin again. BUT NOOO!!!!... I have no idea whats wrong, I'm almost 100% sure my amp is not fried, it don't smell fried and it didn't smoke or anything, I opened my amp to check if any of the small caps were busted, they were still good (I know computers hardware and I recognize busted). Tomorrow I'm gonna take a sub oout of my box and make sure the wires inside the box are good.
    Does anyone have any other ideas?? I'm slowly dying right now.
    As of now, I know for sure, it's got new fuses and it is recieving power, everything is connected properly to the amp.
    Last edited: May 1, 2008
  2. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Sorry to hear that man. that does suck.

    I got kinda confused, you said that there was power going to amp cuz the light was still on but later you said you had blown the fuses??? how could that be?

    Since you not smelling anything funky with the amp, are you sure your fuses from the power line are ok, if the fuses in the amp busted its more than likely that the fuses for your power busted too.

    Another thing you may want to check is the RCA's. the RCA's may have taken a crap on you. it's a long shot but you can check, try switching them, check for loose contacts and make sure the RCA's at the HU are ok. Again, switch them around (try hooking up the sub to were your front stage is hooked up).

    That's all I can think of for now. Hope you can fix it... That would really suck if your amp fried.
  3. sl0wm03

    sl0wm03 Full Member

    I honestly do not know about the fuses, the lights on though. My amp had 2 fuses, I replaced both of them, maybe one of them wasn't blown? So i got fresh fuses, I didn't check the fuse on my 4gauge, I'll have to do that tomorrow. I swiched the RCA's on the amp, I took my deck out and made sure everything was correct on that also. I'll have to do it again sometime tomorrow instead of doing it at 1am

    What do you mean hooking them up to my front stage?

    It really would suck because I'm trying to save up for my next system and the amp I'm debating on is the KickerZX1000.1 or the KickerZX1500.1. I'd be bass less until I get my other setup... Once you get the bass then your addicted to it.
  4. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    I know how you feel.. I am bass less right now and will be for another 2 months!!! I don't even have my front components hooked up right now so it's only the rear door speakers that are working. lol

    I check the fuses on your 4ga first, hopefully that's the problem.

    The reason why i said take the disconnect your preouts for your front stage was so you can check if your subs will work in using the preouts for the front speakers. If they do, then maybe something is wrong with the preouts for the sub. I doubt it though but doesn't hurt to check.
  5. sl0wm03

    sl0wm03 Full Member

    Jeez, how are you still here, ha, I bet them rear speakers are sound crisp clean though.

    Yea, I'll be sure and do that, I'll probably do some more stuf tomorrow, deep test, I might use my friends amp and see if it will work with my subs, if not then I know somethings wrong with either my subs or the pwr wire. But thanks for your help... if any one else wants to try and give anything before I slowly drown in my own tears.
  6. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    lol... I sold my amps and sub. bought Hifonics amps and a kicker sub and it's coming this week and then i decided to go with eD. so now i'm selling all the new stuff i bought (it's actually sold as soon as it gets to me). Already bought my new system but i have to wait 6 weeks for it to be shipped to me cuz i live in the Philippines and i bought everything in the States.

    The rears sound pretty good, they are DLS but they're just hooked up to the headunit. It's driving me crazy though, i think i'll just connect my DLS comps (front) for the meantime. I hate not having any BOOM!!!
  7. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Amps don't always look burnt inside or have popped caps like a computer does when they are messed up. Change amps like you said and you will have a better idea of what's happening. I feel your pain but more, x10 LOL I'm going through same problems. Sucks.
  8. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    check the subs
  9. sl0wm03

    sl0wm03 Full Member

    I check it, but I got the subs to burp, they did hit the right bass note in the song... but then like a dumbass i let go of the wires and started dancing (not really) but I let go of the wires. My amp is still getting pwr.... There's a red light and a green light, green for go, it is on and it is getting power.

    I took my subs out, they're parellel wired and checked both of them, the pics are kindof blurry because I got close, but here's the pics

    I'm uploading a video right now
  10. sl0wm03

    sl0wm03 Full Member

    Sorry i keep on sayin ****

    Lol you can tell I unwired everything because the ground and power look like **** on that
    Last edited: May 1, 2008
  11. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ok to me it might be the subs tinsel lead. hook up another speaker to the amp.

    oh and for gods sake tape up those power and

    you shouldnt be able to see the strands at all.
  12. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i had a very similar thing happen a few years back. the wire on the sub broke. luckily it was under warranty and thats when i got my kicker.
  13. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    which wires were you holding? It's gotta be the wiring then.. either that or theres a loose contact inside the amp.

    did you check the RCA's and try to do like i explained?
  14. sl0wm03

    sl0wm03 Full Member

    Those wires were my sub + and -, well the weirdest thing, so I'm driving then I come to a light and all of a sudden the bass jus start bumpin through... for about 30 seconds, then it stopped. I went back home, redid the + and - again, and then the bass just started beating, right now my subs are working good. I'm thinking of getting some small fans to put on my amp. I opened up my amp and there was a very very small fan probably smaller than an inch in diameter. I'm thinking it just got too hot in this 90 degree yesterday weather, then cooled down in this 55 degree weather today.
  15. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    The important thing is that your bumpin again.. good to hear!
  16. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    odd? thermal shutdown maybe?
  17. sl0wm03

    sl0wm03 Full Member

    No idea, it's back to normal now