well I emailed the guy with pics of every section of the amp... and he said 185 would be the most. and 120 the minimum. so ballpark 150. but it would be a whole overhaul of it... all new and stronger caps,fets, diodes, main boards an such so it will be new. **** 150 bucks for a memphis 2000d to be working like a champ sounds good. there re-furb 3000d sundowns are pretty cheap.
if he is actually going to upgrade all of the components to higher grade stuff then i'd say go for it. I've learned that going from a regular standard capacitor or resistor to something twice the cost can really benefit sound and stability.
yea... they have pics of one being pretty much completely rebuilt... and they add the bigger caps and resistors to ensure it wont give in from the higher voltage... and the guy said it should last me a good at least 2 years running at full tilt if not... 4 running pretty hard as well... main cause for them going out... broken legs on fet or diodes which cause bad connections then bam. the sundowns are here... SAZ-3000D Refurbished - dB-r Electronics but cant you get em for like 900 new?
alright... got ALOT of engine noise in the bmw...well we've had this problem with my brothers car ever since he changed his HU to a pioneer and put in a couple audiocontrol items... everything has been re-wired with grounds to the extra battery and the rca's are all grounded... cant put the gain on anything over like zero without hearing it.... weve tried everything noise filters for power... sound filters... resistors... and for some reason when we un plugged everything theres still a nice whistle... the shop we go to has no idea what to try next. tomorrow we are supposed to take to some other shop and they think they can get rid of it... but we want to try a couple things...what do you guys think we can do?
take a length of 18 gauge wire and ground the HU chassis to the chassis of the amp that is making the noise
all that stuff got fixed with a new head unit and cleaning up the install at another shop... Azn we are gonna put in a couple more ports ourselves because the subs dont hit anything lower than like 90hz or so... like when we play hypnotize, late night tip it just makes a bunch of noise(talking about the bandpass box with the 2 jl w7's in it) so... how much more port do you think might help... because if we cant fix it... we are gonna get another box made at a different place.
I knew that box was designed for crap and would have weak lows lol. Adding more ports is just going to make the box sound worse and raise the tuning even higher. You can't salvage that enclosure....I'd take it back and have the guy build a proper ported enclosure or have them refund your money. Also try to spread the word that the shops builder is crap and has no idea what he is doing. Because it seems to me like he just builds enclosures to fit the space and look "decent". Not even good. A single 12W7 in a nice ported enclosure will rape that bandpass any day of the week.
more port wont help? alright well we had gone to another shop saturday... and the guy said he can work with space and make a completely different kind of bandpass that he shower us in his honda accord and his system tore apart my brothers system and his only had 500/1's going to each sub... but he would charge 450... we are going to another place today and they might charge a bit less and want to do a slot port or vented and the builder there goes to competitions and does amazing work. so we will see next week is my spring break from school so my brother will probably have me take care of getting stuff done.
new system... pretty much... JL 450/4 and 2 JL 1000/1's I know azn wanting a nice ported but we went with this 5cu.ft bandpass... more vids will be up later... mb quart Q's in the back and focal K2power 6.5's up front... its finally real impressive.
mind you that it is only up at 18 because there isnt enough current to power everything... H.O alts said 680 something for a 220amp because its a bmw... weve had it at 25 and its crazy. this box loves the lows.
Nice...looks a lot better than the last bandpass. If you are happy than thats good. 5 cu ft is still small for a proper bandpass for those two subs...I'm sure you could get just as loud and low with one sub and one amp. Nice flex though
its not my system... one could be but waste of expensive equipment...but I helped my brother a lil bit with choosing stuff... well it might be bigger than 5 cu.ft I had no time to measure but before everything got covered I got to see how big it was and there was no room for anything else the whole ported side is bigger than the whole box from the last place so 3.6-7ish... then the sealed chamber is at least 2 cu.ft.... brother says next step might be Digital Designs or Fi... ha ha... what other places should I try to email for alternators...
someone probably just drove by with 7 subs in a prefab box bumping it to make your car alarm go off... its sooo easy to get alarms to go off now with this new stuff... I never thought pedro was gonna comment on this system. ha ha.