no havent been to a show with this box.but im know it's a little louder. next show around me wont be for a while. as for the should be at lesat 18 inches from the batt
ohh that suxs...perhaps you can find a store or someone near you to meter your new setup...also why does it need to be atleast 18" from the bat?? sorry for that n00bness lol ive been passing too much time on termpro and around spl vehicles lol :S
Dan whats up....its been awhile since you've been here...what is your highest score on the term lab again?? I'm going to a MECA competition here next month.
oh which reminds me azn, my buddy and I will be going down there. possibly another one of my friends. one with two 13Ov.2s off a nine.1 and one with two infinity REF1252Ws off a rockford p6002. its possible i may have something up and running by then as well.
my greatest number was 139.6 and im actually doing 136.8 on a sealed prefab. with my van too lazy to buy some wood and start building boxes lol
! this new box is causing a few probs. today on my way home i was booming in 5 o'clock traffic like normal. so i got the my bass mekanik cd and played the sub test and right in the middle of it my subs just stopped playing. i was only 5 min from home so i just played reg music(at least it still played something). so i check it with my meter and it was getting power but wasnt lighting up.the fuse in the dist box was i took it out,opened it up and the internal fuse was fried.(these old amps have internal fuses).luckily i had an agu it was a 30 amp but, all i had was a 40.i hope it will be fine. i'm eithe rgoing to have to wire it at 4 ohm mono to my M50 for 245 watts rms or get a bigger amp.i even had a fan on it and it still over heated.maybe more like over loaded it. well its all back in,but it started raining pretty bad i'll do the rest still beats the snot out of those subs,but now i'm scared. hell i may just put my polks(single 4 ohm coils) in that amp running a 2ohm mono load was no prob,but 2 amps running at 2 ohms is just a lil too much.
i am soo seroiusly thinking of this thing.!!!! Elemental Designs 600 at 1 ohm at much at 13.8?
oh i forgot to say that i had the gains on both channels a little higher than normal.oops. the last speakers that it was running was my mids/hi's front and rear,and the gains were at just a hair under half. so i may have accidentally screwed my i know why with the bass on -24 and the sub vol on 1/4 turn it still pounded like crazy.on the 4ch amp. i guess i'll go back to my M50's running the subs ,and keep the gains all the way down.
i'm really thinking of a system rewire. new rca's and a ground (not on the seat bolt)just too damn lazy to do it all. Rockford Fosgate - 16' Twisted Pair RCA Cable - RFI-16 are these good enough?i need three runs and don't want to spend way too much,but dont want crap either. the next one up are 30 for double twisted 16ft. each
**** it! i'm removing the back seat tomorrow and the passenger side to get to what i need to get to and still be able to drive imma clean up that spaghetti mess i have back there once and for all!!
having a nice conversation with yourself? lol Hurry up man fix your spaghetti, time is running out, your shame will hence present itself!! hahahehe I went to pick up my sub tonight like an hour away and i couldn't find the freakin place. I'm so ****ed lol. Closed until monday now.
Pedro, how old is your spaghetti now? maybe you should rewire. If it's as old as the wiring under your hood was then i'd say fix your
its not too old under the false floor.just messy. last night when i went in there to remove the amp i just got mad at how messy it actually is,and one of my rca cables is starting to show its age.(had it from a previous install) ok.then.i'm off to get my stuff,but the seats come out.
A guy over on the forums said his Nine.5 amp put out between 700-800 watts at 1 ohm on good electrical
man i'd love to get one but i also love these old school amps i have. i just got in from outside.i took apart the whole inside of the truck except for the doors.will do those in the morning. i got some peel-n do the doors and the rear kill some road noise in the back.i also just rubber coated the rear panels for extra deadning. i'll have photos up soon
i'm not reusing the 12's im going to put my trusted kicker back into action. i'm putting my polks in the new box and most likely selling the orions. i'll run the polks at 2 ohm when i compete with the new amp i can switch boxes to try and see which ones louder. first i have to get all this i'm going to get a piece of wood cut to run my wires under it to the amps in grey it all looks pretty.then when the new amp gets here it wont be too hard to swap them out.i'mm hoping the nine 5 will fit where the 4 ch sits. like this but with the new one..