Hi, I am posting in hopes of some guidance. I have a 99' Chevrolet S-10 with no cab. I recently put in some new speakers into the dash and front doors, but now am looking to have some sound coming from my back(sides) for some surround sound. I looked into all my options and chose this as my best possibility. I am looking to put some 4" Alpine TR350-CXI on the trimming above the seatbelt, to the side of my seat. The placement of the speaker would be where the hook hanger currently is, pictured below. [/URL][/IMG] So, I could cut out the vinyl trimming to fit the speaker. The main problem is the speaker depth of 1.5". The speaker will definitely protrude past the mounting bracket and not fit all the way in after cutting a hole for it. How can I seal the back of the speaker for optimal sound? I'm not yet sure by exactly how much the speaker will stick out, but any suggestions for securing and sealing this speaker? I did a rough measurement and the speaker would stick out roughly as far as the hook currently is. I am new to the community and not sure if this is asking too much, but any help would be hugely appreciated! -Bob
I own a Sonona, which is basically the same truck. It can be done, but speaker depth is definately something you need to work around. They make speaker spacers that would work in this case. But then it might not look too pretty. If youre up for the challenge, you fiberglass speaker pods....that would look better.
i'm not sure youll want a speaker blasting right into your left ear.it will throw of your imiaging. i used to own an 87 reg cab a while back and it had cut outs for 4x10's lower in the pillar.if you check lower down the pillar you may find a larger opening.that is where you may want to put it.lower and not right in to your ear.
Thanks for the info. Yes, I suppose I didn't think of the fact that it would be literally right next to my ear. So, I will have to look at your suggestion. Thanks!
no prob.if you insist on having a rear speaker you can also look into some pods with maybe a 3.5in in it and mount it firing up or angled pointing torwards the rear light in the middle of the cab. running very little power to them.s your rear is only suppose to give a hint of space.not draw your ears to the rear. kind of like this... JEEP WRANGLER YJ TJ Overhead Soundbar sound pod+Speaker - eBay (item 130199002562 end time Feb-26-08 20:36:59 PST)
when you say to lower the power to the rear speakers, would that be the same as adjusting the fade on the receiver? Lowering the VOLUME to the rear speakers, or do I have to do something else in order to lower the POWER to the rear speakers?