Problem finding door lock wires

Discussion in 'Car Alarm, Remote Start and other Accessories.' started by luckydawg003, Sep 22, 2007.

  1. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    I have a 07 mustang. trying to find the door lock, unlock and pin wires but can't seem to find them. They should be white/violet,dkblue/green,ltgreen/yellow. But couldn't locate them anywhere in the passenger side of the car. I even looked for a yellow/red, and orange/black wire that may work. But couldn't find those either. Please I need help so I can finish my alarm/rs install today.
  2. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Passenger Kick panel, the Smart Junction Box is located there. The connectors are located on the Back side.

    White/Purple and Blue/Lt Green should be the right colors. Dome light wire, trunk pin switch, OEM Alarm Disarm (if equipped) will also be there. So will the trunk release wire.
  3. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Ok I found the sjb and removed a 10mm nut from the bottom and pulled the top of it out, twisted it around and found the wires on the back.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2007
  4. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Hey is their any way I can still use my factory key fobs? Like if I take my car to the dealer and don't want them to accidentally start the r/s. Could I just pull the fuses on the alarm brain +12v wires and then just use the factory remotes? Or does it not work like that? Thanks
  5. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    well just 2 days ago my alarm starts going off every 20 min. because of the bcm sending a signal every 20 min. to make sure the doors and trunk are closed. So I just pulled all the wires out of the brain to shut it off. I think my 10k resistor I had hooked up to the 12v constant on one side and dome super wire the other side blew or something. I put a new resistor on it today, and haven't heard my alarm going off yet. Is their another way I can hook this up so I don't have to fix it every few weeks or months? Someone else suggested using relays for each individual door trigger wire. What do you think ranger svo?
  6. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Hook the resistor back up. Lets see which trigger is causing the problem. For now disconnect the trunk trigger and lets see if it still goes off every twenty minutes
  7. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    I don't think the trunk trigger was setting it off. My pager always said it was a door trigger and led always blinked 3 times for the door trigger. Maybe I should use 2 diodes on the dome super, or use relays on the two actual door triggers.

    I just put a new resistor on it and it stopped going off, But I think I want to set up the dome super on that wire so I need to tag the two individual door triggers, Should I use a relay for these or just use the same resistor trick on both, or diode isolate?
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2007
  8. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    You didn't tell me that you had two different door triggar wires. My info only shows one wire. Two triggers will need to be diode isolated not pulled up with a resistor.

    I double checked my info, it shows only one trigger wire, a green/yellow (-). If you have other info I need to see it.
  9. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Well the is the dome super wire, I used this as the door trigger, and hooked up the resistor to it. It does work. Just looking for a better way to hook it up.

    I found out the two individual door triggers are driver side pass. door is yellow/ I haven't tested these yet so not sure if they work or not yet. Someone said if I tag these lines to use a relay and to use diodes so it doesn't false.
  10. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Test these wires and make sure they are door pin switch wires.

    If they are, cut the green/black and solder in a 1-amp diode with the band side going toward the pin switch. Do the same thing with the yellow/light green. Again the band on the diode must face the pin switch. If its facing the wrong way the dome light wont turn on when the door is opened.

    Now we need two more 1-amp diodes. Solder them to the pin switch wire also, band side facing the pin switch.

    You should have two diodes on each door pin switch, one inline and one on the wire. The bands should be facing each other. The other end of the diode that IS NOT inline will go to the alarm trigger wire.

    The following picture is for a Ford Explorer, the only difference is that you need a lot less diodes

    Attached Files:

  11. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    OK so just double diode. Do I still need relays for these?

    Trunk release ? I disconnected the relay and just touched the two wires together(car side and alarm side wires) and it still works. Do I need to keep using the relay or can I save the relay for something else?
  12. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    No relays should be necessary. But didnt you put a relay on the trunk pin to change the polarity? If so keep it there. The relay keeps the trunk isolated from everything else.
  13. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    I used the 451m relay for the trunk pin-to change its polarity. That one stays.

    I have a relay for the trunk release, but it still works without it(Any reason to keep the relay or is it ok to remove, will it hurt anything?) Alarm book says to use relay because it only supplies 200ma of current threw the wire. Supposed to prevent it from failure, but it does work if I just tie the lines together.
  14. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    I just tried using a relay for the door trigger. I hooked it up like this 86 to (driver door pin green/black), 85 to 12v, 87 to ground, 30 to -green alarm door trigger wire. When I had the door closed it paged me that it was open. When I opened the door it said it was closed. I even reversed the 86 and 30 wires but that didn't work at all. Any Ideas? I really need to get this alarm working. The door pin doesn't work and the domelight supervision doesn't work right either. Please help me out.
  15. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    You dont need a relay there. Set up the inline diodes on the pin switches first, use an ohm meter to varify that every thing is working. The band side should show continuity to ground with the door open and no continuity with the door closed. Once this is varified, solder in place the other diode. Band side facing the pin switch. These connections must be soldered for reliability.

    Attach the green alarm trigger wire. With the ohm meter, test the green wire. It should show a continuity to ground with the door open and no continuity with the door closed.
  16. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Ok I just disconnected the dome light relay cause it doesn't work right(I think because my car has a delay in the domelights)

    With the two individual door triggers I hooked both of them up to the relay. But they don't work. Keeps paging door is open when its actually closed, and says closed when both doors are open. I used driver door +green/black pass door +yellow/green. They are positive cause when doors are closed they are at 0 and when the door opens they go to 12v. Any ideas, maybe I need to hook up the relay differently since they are + and not negative like the dome super wire?
  17. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    I don't understand why it would be a positve trigger at the door pins, it makes no sense. Any way, you should not need a relay. The alarm should have a positve trigger wire. Isolation is still done the same way, only the diodes are reversed.

    Still not sure about the positive trigger, I wonder how much current is going thru when the door is open, can a 1-amp diode be OK there? A majority of the time a neg trigger is low current, but a positive trigger can be high, or low. In your 07, I would assume its low, but?
  18. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Ya I wasn't sure why they were + either. With both doors closed they sat at around 3.9volts. Doors open went to like 11.8volts and stayed their.

    So I will use the purple +alarm door trigger and just double diode. Could you tell me how to set up the diodes? I think the line in the diode should face door trigger. Then the one to the alarm should be on the door trigger of the other diode. Basically both lines facing each other. Is this right?
  19. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Still not working: I'm starting to get ****ed off with this stupid car. I cut both door trigger wires. Put a diode inline with each of them, then another diode to the alarm positive door trigger. First I had the bands facing the door trigger(not the bcm end) and the alarm diode band facing the door trigger side of the other diode. Didn't work, it kept my radio on when I opened the door and didn't show anything with door open or closed on the alarm. I retested these wires. They are at 5.6v closed and 11.6v open on vdc mode of my voltmeter. (they are normally close type, rest at ground with door closed, and go to open circuit with door open)

    then I switched the diodes to face the other way, with the band facing the bcm and that didn't do anything on the alarm, it also gave me door ajar warnings when I started the car. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  20. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Those wires wont work. It needs to be 0 closed and a positive voltage open or a positive voltage closed and 0 open.

    You need to go back to the recommended trigger wire. The way to prevent false triggerring in your ford is with a pull up resistor. The alternative way is with diode isolation. I have used both methods and they will work when properly hooked up.

    Sorry about the slow response, this semester is a tough one. I have very little time for anything but my studies.