I'm curious... back before I got the Kicker CVR12's people told me to get Fi's. They said they'd be louder even with the same wattage. What do you guys think are the loudest subs out there for two 400 watt amplifiers (Kicker 400.1's)?
Now im not a audio guru by any means ...but i think it depends on the enclosure 90 percent of the time.
Yeah I know. I've tried a couple of enclosures for CVR12's. All the same, there has to be a difference between a CVR12 and another subwoofer at the same wattage.
i've heard both subs,but they had a ton more power on them than 400 watts.somthing like 4500 watts to the Fi's and 1250 to the kickers. both are loud.maybe more power?
i would think that the sensitivity and the excursion would be the main factors. the higher the sensitivity the more SPL a sub could hit from 1w at 1 meter. meaning it takes less wattage to be as equally loud from a meter as a sub with a lower sensitivity.
excursion doesn't really have much to do with SPL....but it helps a lot with the low end reponse. But yeah my guess is the sub with the best sensitivity rating will be louder cuz it will use that power better
Well I've come to the conclusion that buying a third kicker 400.1 and third kicker cvr12 would be cheaper than buying a pair of good new subs. I can get the 400.1 and cvr12 for $260 shipped. headunit powering pair of mtx 5x7's (18 watts each) kicker 350.2 powering pair of 5.25" cdt components (110 watts each) three kicker 400.1's powering three kicker cvr12's (400 watts each) sound good?
Enclosure counts for too much. Changing subs usually only makes minor changes if it makes any change at all. The surface area of the woofer is what actually moves the air and makes the sound. When we increase excursion we reduce the surface area because the surround size is increased. Now to move that long throw woofer takes even more power. So our trade off is almost even. Volume displacement of the long throw (High Excusion) woofer is better than normal woofers. But the power required to move the High Excursion woofer is much more than that of the standard woofer. The following is my opinion. And I dont like to look at Efficiency Ratings. These ratings are done at 1Watt, 1 meter and at 1000Hz. Personally I don't care how efficient my woofer is at 1000Hz. Now I might consider SPL rating if I am looking for a woofer for a low power system. Now this is more opinion than fact so weigh in, let me know what you think.
Peronally, I would rather have the additional woofer and a single amp. The trird woofer will increase your surface area (it'll be louder) and the single amp will simplify ajustments. Three woofers typically make for weird impedences so make sure you select an amp that can handle it.
900 watts *rated* If you can give it a constant 13.8 volts or higher I'm sure it will put out around 1000 watts
Multiple amps sound better to me I have 2 Kicker Solo baric L7 12 and 2 Kicker Zr 360 work magic on them when I purchased a new Kicker kx1200 to replace the 2 amps. I couldn't stand it, I went back to my 2 amps and sold the 1200. Like he said it's harder to tune 2 amps but once you have them set up right they sound great. I would imagine 3 sounding even better.