Its Bad, Its way Bad

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Ranger SVO, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    OK we had a major shake up at the shop.:eek:

    We have only 3, that right 3 people working there

    The Owner (no one can fire him)
    The Secretary (shes kinda Hot)
    and Me (this aint gonna fly)

    We need another installer really bad, not a person that can put in radios, an installer. A real installer because I aint got time to teach someone.

    Where do I find someone who knows the difference between a PATS system and Passlock II. I need someone who knows how to deal with a multiplexing doorlock system without freaking ouk.

    The owner has been in the shop now for 2 days. So far he has succeeded in staying out of my way. But I only work there part time.

    He better find an installer real soon. And not just a warm body. I don't go back to full time until the semester ends in May.

    God help us all
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2007
  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Post more pics of the hot hot secratary and i might fill in for about 15 an hour...

    And i dont do remote starts, alarms, doorlock interfaces and/or factroy integration......I HATE that crap! Oh, and i dont do windows either.....
  3. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    So what the hell happened to everyone?????
  4. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Good question Viking! It's been very silent on the forums lately.

    That really sucks Ranger, That just adds a lot of pressure on your part. You should talk to the owner and see what he's planning so you don't get caught by surprise. Tell what you need,
  5. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    You people are repulsive and sick. I have a problem and all you can think about is the secretary

    What about me? What about Me?

    I called her, asked her to take a couple of pics of herself and e-mail them to me.

    Here is what she sent
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Now can we get back to my problem?
  6. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    So you are gonna do what?

    And what happened is a long story. I just know that I DON'T ever work past 5:30, I DON'T ever work on weekends. And I NEVER do overtime.

    Funny story, last year a customer came in (no appointment) at 5:00 and wanted a handsfree kit installed. Now the owner knows me well and he told the customer that it would have to be Scheduled for next week. The customer said that it needed to be "done today" and insisted that it needed to be done.

    The owner told the customer that if he could convince me to stay, he would have no problem staying open.

    I basically told the customer that he did not have enough money to convince me to stay past 5:30.

    The customer offered me a $100 dollar tip, I went home.

    I don't mind working hard, but when the day is over, its over.
  7. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    you know what. i agree. working overtime aint worth ****. espesially if you make **** money in the first place.

    now on the other hand. I work at a restuarant part time and overtime is "time and a half" and that adds up to 15 bucks an hour overtime. hell. I work overtime as often as I can!
  8. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Believe me, I could make a lot more money somewhere else. But here I come and go as I need to. This job suits me or I would have left a long time ago. School comes first, especially at nearly $400 per semester hour.
    I don't have time for overtime, I have to work but I also have to study. Both things MUST be balanced.

    Could I use more money, I would be a liar if I said no. My goal is to teach High School Math, if I succeed my salary will double overnight. Right now its about priorities.
  9. psycho_maniac

    psycho_maniac Full Member

    she is very hot. where are you located? where is SHE located? lol
  10. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    You're absolutely right Ranger. School is more important for you at this point. End result after you graduate, you'll be making a hell of a lot more money. Making an extra $100 here and there isn't worth it if it's going to affect your schooling. Ain't worth it!
  11. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    I have to admit though, that secretary is pretty hot.
  12. Throttletune

    Throttletune Full Member

    Good luck in that. Can't find them in any number in my world either. I know it doesn't help you at this time, but that's the way it is.

    Sorry for your troubles, Ranger
  13. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Tell ya what ranger...send the secratary up my way, along with the installs...and we will do just fine!

    I know you are in a rough situqtion, and you hyave done the right thing.

    Dont sacrifice your time or skills for a "kiss ass" job....

    stick to your guns....

    The shop owner is now in a very desperate siuation........TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT...he owes you nothing, and you owe him nothing.

    Cheap advive here....take it for what its worth
  14. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    And why is that? This job isn't that hard. All you need is a good basic knowledge. The rest is time in the saddle.

    I know you've heard me put down mechanics (your NOT one of them), but all you need is a good basic understanding. The ability to read is also helpful.

    You're around 900 miles away, HELL, I trust you more that anyone around here. I still remember the fan thing in my son's car, half the mechs around here wanted to put a switch on it. The other half wanted to tie it to an Ignition source. None of their fixes wound have worked, it was the fan itself, remember.

    Well 12 volt techs are the same way, most are back yard installers that think they have a clue.

    I might have done a big NO NO. I may have convienced the only installer at another shop to come and work for us.:rolleyes:
  15. Throttletune

    Throttletune Full Member

    Why is that, you ask. I have my thoughts on that.

    Most folks just want to clock in and out every day. Go to work, get a check, go home. Then there are the select few that live and breath their career they chose. Back in the day, the guys that couldn't do anything else were shuttled off to the auto mechanics class. It was figured anyone with a pulse could fix a car.

    Not true anymore. Granted, the nuts and bolts part are still the same, but hell, rotating tires on tire pressure monitor systems takes a scanner, or at least knowledge of how to run around the system.

    I see the seriousness of how you guys take this trade you all are in. The dedicated ones shine through. Never do I hear the ones that I feel take it serious say.. "No sound from the speakers. What now?" You guys have a working knowledge of the inner workings of sound, and 12 volts, as you call it. Plus, you guys don't clock out at the end of the shift. You keep learning after hours.

    But, sometimes that's not enough. If you have an employer that doesn't appreciate the extra steps, then that just makes it all the tougher on the most dedicated of employee. But, once the good employee and good ESO (Evil Shop Owner) are matched up, then it's hard pressed to separate them.

    That is why there is a so called tech shortage. Believe me, there are bodies galore out there that think they can do it. But, the good ones have found a home, and aren't on the market anymore.

    So, if this other installer at another shop is up for grabs, there must be a reason, right?

    Rant over. Hope you get the guy, and he is willing to follow in your teachings.
  16. JoeAudio26

    JoeAudio26 Full Member

    LOL that's Viking for you..
  17. sl0wm03

    sl0wm03 Full Member

    Damn, shes hot. Where is this shop located?
  18. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    You are probably right. But I wanna add one more thing. I think most people think its a goof off, easy job. Some guy applied today (said he was an installer) and I asked him to draw a diagram, using a relay, that would change a positive trigger wire to negative trigger. This is as basic as you can get. He had no clue, he was no installer.

    Now for the good news, the installer called from the other shop and said "I'll see you Monday".

    He is alot like me, he is self taught.

    Now for the horny dudes, IF and ONLY IF she says its OK, I'll post her MySpace Name. No promises and dont get your hopes up.
  19. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Hey Ranger, I have an idea. Let the guys who are interested with the hot secretary post their pics here so you can email them to her. Let her be the judge. Watcha think?
  20. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    I would post a pic but i don't think my wife would like that very much. LOL