Check Out the new rims!

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by ibanezFreak87, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member





    Let me know what you think...

    and yes I know there's a gap. My lowering springs haven't arrived yet. (one inch)
  2. psycho_maniac

    psycho_maniac Full Member

    At first I didnt like them because the first pic that loaded for me is the 3rd one. Then I saw the car and the farther back pics and they look really nice.
  3. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    sweeeet as hell!
  4. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    I'm more of a chrome guy myself but the rims do look good on the car. What kind of tires are you using? Honestly though, It really looks very nice!!
  5. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    I will be honest...I dont like them. I Do like the style and the way they made, very "futuristic" in a way. But i just dont like the way they look on your car...

    not tryin to make you mad or hurt your feelings...just bein honest
  6. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Viking, also try to picture out how the rims will look on his car when he's driving. I think the aluminum against the black will really give a nice effect when he's driving. It's will really stand out. That's just my opinion though.
  7. JoeAudio26

    JoeAudio26 Full Member

    Chrome rims would do that car nice...
    But the rims you have, look better than factory ...
  8. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    Viking! You Bastard! hah no just kidding,. hey it's no big deal. I'm not here to hear your complements. I just liked the look of the rim so I decided to buy them. I needed summer tires anyway, so I bought summer rims AND tires.

    At first I didn't really like them on the car. but once I got it off the lift and onto the street. I do like it. I wanted black rims with a chrome lip, but idk. too over done. plus, my car doesn't have too much black OR chrome.

    Chrome was out of the question because of price and the fact that I just don't think that MAzzzduhs deserve chrome. (as well as half of the **** that rides on chrome these days)
    so these were cheap and I like the look of them. They had both black and alloy which I liked and well. idk. I think they looked different than anything else I've seen.

    I just hate to see my damn GAP! It's killling me! lowering springs please COME SOON!
  9. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Bottom what makes YOU happy....:D
  10. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    ibanez, are those 18's?
  11. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    17 x7.5

    with 40 type tires

    I didn't wanna go 18's and have to ride on crappy 35's
  12. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    your right! it's a trade off between the look and the ride. When you get the lowering kit it will look sooo much better. Post more pics once you get the lowering kit installed.
  13. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    I sure plan too!

    anyone know of any other way to lower a car? something cheap and like an addon to my lowering springs? I would love to get more than an inch
  14. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Here in the philippines is if we want a car even lower than what the lowering coils offer, we'll clamp the lowering coils. I've tried it in the past, had my '96 corolla 4 fingers off the ground. You can buy coil clamps for like $4 a pair.
  15. Throttletune

    Throttletune Full Member

    I think they look pretty dang good. Course, I'm an old fart, so take that with a grain of salt. :)
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2007
  16. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    coil clamps? any one know anything about these? cullen, you got a link or something?
  17. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    I really wouldn't recommend it cuz they tend to make your suspension noisy. I only had mine clamped for about 6 months and i had enough with that.

    Here's a pic of it. It doesn't look that good at all! It's real ghetto but it is cheaper. Another way is to just cut your stock springs. I think that would be the best way to do it. What i did was i had lowering springs, the height was still too high for my taste. I put clamps on the springs, after i didn't like that i just cut my springs to make it even lower. I liked the height i was at after cutting the coils.

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  18. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2007
  19. Throttletune

    Throttletune Full Member

    Clamps are BAD! Do it right or leave it alone.
  20. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    oo yeah,. that doesn't look safe. lol

    I heard that cutting is REAL bad. terrible ride and dangerous. is that true?