Kicker 750.1 amp...what kind of subs/box?

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by eazy, Oct 8, 2006.

  1. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    what are the specs of your box?
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Is this what your asking for??? lol
  3. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    No I mean literally your box. I noticed in your signature it says you have a 3 cubic foot box tuned to 32Hz. What re the dimensions? How does it sound?
  4. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i watch it every week.i've noticed some big no no's that they show.i saw one where reme wraped electrical tape around some wire in a A pillar in a porche cyanne.

    he didnt even solder it just twisted them together then taped.
    he did this sweet install on the piller only to show him "half as s"that part.

    other than that its ok.
  5. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Well my box is built for my old school 12W6

    Exterier dimensions 40 wide by 14 tall by 15 deep with a 12.5 by 3 inch port 26 inches long
  6. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Ah, so the rectangular port will be easier to build right? Does it matter which side I put the port on?
  7. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    ideally have the vent on the same surface that the drivers are on....ya......what I said......

    Of course you could corner load the vents, but that can be a tricky prospect sometimes, forget i said it....
  8. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    I was just thinking running it along the back wall, cuz if the ports ging to be 17.75" long, and the back wall 39" long...I wouldnt have to build the port into an L like I will if it goes on the front...but whatever.

    So how do I measure the 17.75 when it's an L?
  9. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    More additional length to the thread here really, nothing in particular to say...Hey, I realized that i am past 1K posts!!!!!!!!!! Excellent!

    Someone touch my chicken in celebration............except you azn,,,,,,you would like it too much!!!!!!!:eek: :D :D :D :D :D :D
  10. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Oh...haha Viking...your gay

    Also a side fire port can sound good in certain in my explorer a side fire port would work well.

    Dunno in your car though
  11. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    A caraudio guy on said he did a cvr12 in a 2.6 cubic foot box tuned to 28Hz and said it was a very bad idea. He also said he did a cvr12 in a 2.25 cubic foot box tuned to around 32Hz with about 18 sq. in. of port area and said it sounded great.

    When I asked about the 3.04 cubic foot box plus .35 cubic feet of port he said

    "2.6 cubes was too big, for it, 3.04cubes is wayyy too big for the CVR12, now if you had a CVR15" then i would say go for it...

    not tryna force you into a box spec, but the 2.25 cubes after port and driver discplacement tuned between 32-36 hz would be best for a cvr12"
  12. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Dude do you know how much cross sectional area a 18 square inch port is???

    One six inch diameter tube port has more area than that.

    I don't really care if you build the box I posted or not...I am just trying to help you out.

    If you want to build the 2.25 cubed enclosure go for it...But what I would do is build what I recommended.

    I'm sure you'll be happy either way you go though
  13. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

  14. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    titties and beer..................
  15. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    I actually like the look of those amps...straightforward, fan cooled and have a lot of cooling fins

    I'd buy one if I had money
  16. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    those amps sound good really, but what scares me is the fact that they claim to do full rated power at 10.5 volts........ either they are EXTREMELY underated, or the power supplies are heavily regulated.....One way or the other would make my decision on them.....Regulation can take a flyin leap........ i want my amp to kick ass when it has the available voltage.......]

    i have an old 2125sx orion, I used it in my ol dodge YEARS ago....It still works fine today... i remember how much it kicked ass when i instaled a simple "full feild" switch on the alternator...the voltage jumped from 13.9 to about 19 volts DC....the freekin thing (amp) kicked out considerably morepower, sorry, dont rememgber the numbers, but i do rememver that I wa VERY impressed....
  17. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Viking what switch are you talking about???

    Sounds interesting
  18. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    It was a "full feild " switch....On the old dodges, up till about 85 or so, you could ground out a lead off the alternator that made it go full field,which means basically it would kick out all the voltage and currnet it could till it blew up!!!!!!

    Did this on a few SPL systems.......worked OK for the most part....not for a daily listening type of system!!!

    The mods for the engine to accept these alternators to fit was hard art times,,, space was the biggest thing........ (damn these newer cars ajd the lack of space) It works, but dont try this at home folks....NOT for the average car audio user, ya, this means all you guys!!!!!!!!
  19. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    So basically you were connecting the output of the alternator to the chassis and grounding it out??
  20. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    No.......the FIELD terminal was grounded out, this with the conjuction of 12 volts to the other side of it caused the magnetic field to go to FULL, or maximim...this induces the armature to put out MAX durrent and MAX voltage......

    The field terminal on these ol alternators is hooked to the regulator, the regulator VARIES the impedance, or resistance to the field, which in turn regulated the output of the alternator...

    I have had these ol dodge alternators kick out in excess of 30 volts and 150 amps.........but that is in playing with them........not what you want in a car.....them ol dodge alternators...BEST ever made, period...... GM and thier large case POS can go to heck!!!!! same with ford and all otheres....the open frame design and freekinmassive amount of cooling lets these things kick some ass...