Tips for System owners..

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Busted51, Nov 14, 2006.

  1. Busted51

    Busted51 Full Member

    everyone who has had a system or currently has one in their car/truck whatever.. How do you keep from your stuff from getting stolen.. This is a very big concern of mine and I'm wondering what to do ? what do you do ??
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    If you have trunk lock the seats and disable the trunk release you have to use a key

    Hell make your sh!t sooo heavy that its impossible...and on top of that BOLT IT DOWN...take pictures. so insurance can see what was stolen...always have pics man

    Mainly get a good alarm with blinking lights to warn people

    I have a false floor that is bolted down to my truck and the I have my enclosure and amp bolted down to its hella work to steal my sh!t
  3. CadillacETC1997

    CadillacETC1997 Well-Known Member

    i have a Cadillac
    love to see the sob that breaks into her
    onstar warning me about alarm going off
    and lojack calling the pd with my cars location
    i would love some new glass and locks provided by the punk who breaks in so feel free hehehehe
  4. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Honestly? Guns........ NRA sticker on the window, and i pack a gun at all times..(thanks to the Concealed Carry laws of my state) Now, if I aint around, and the car is on its own...There is this neat thing called a buzz coil....Model "t" vintage....15K volts....well, havent done that in years, and it only works under the right conditions, but dammit it will knock you on your ass!!!!!!! Otherwise, you dont want your crappy audio sytem stolen? get a good alarm that has a battery back up siren....meaning if the power is cut to the car, the thing goes off on its own no matter what.....also look for a decent glass breakage sensor........Most all thefts involve the breakge of glass (duh) Oh, and dont EVER ignore your alarm system if it goes off, EVER.........There is a reason it goes off, and there just might be that one time you get the chance to pull your gun on some unsuspecting sorry a$$ motherphucker and blow his phucking head off!! HELLL YA!!!!!!!!! DIE YOU THEIVING SUNSABITCHEES!!!!!!!!!

    But i digress....aside from violence and headshots, a good way to keep your crappy sytem from getting taken by unauthorized phucktards is simple.....DONT crank it up to impress some assholes standing in a parking lot, the sytem in your car is for YOUR enjoyment, NOT the phuckers in the street....DONT ADVERTISE!!!!!!!!!!
  5. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Bet you 20 bucks I could have your car out of your driveway in less than 30 seconds, and NOT trackable..........and you wont even know it happened!!!!
  6. DaveDSMer

    DaveDSMer Full Member

    H&K USP .45 ...

    ahem.. but really , must people recommend an alarm. What I am currently building is a fake wall in front of my subs so someone poking around in the trunk wont even know they are there.
  7. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    that will work
  8. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Like stated......Do not advertise.....Keep your stuff on the lowdown.....

    Unlike the guy who pulls up in the parking lot about 30 feet from my shop office....He pulls up and the bass is so intense that it rattles the **** out of everything in here....And he sits and listens to 3 or 4 tunes before shutting it off and going into work.....But if he is like most guys with a "boom boom" he is trying to do that...trying to get his buddies to hear him from 5 miles away. Only thing is....All the theives are hearing it too......

    Secure everything that you possibly can and if needed get an alarm.....

    When someone hears what you got.....they wanna see what you got....

  9. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    my box is so big and heavy (125lbs) that I had to take the rear seats out just to put the bitch in. that's my theft deterent.

    that and the fact that i only paid $750 for my system - and my insurance will cover up to $1000.. and I can prove that I paid up to 1500 for my system. soo.. if it's stolen.. I make $250.
  10. DMP

    DMP Full Member

    Definately get a good alarm like mentioned above. But get one that comes with the LCD remotes for extra security. Atleast you will know when somebody breaks into your car so you dont have to rely on hearing the alarm siren.
  11. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    The key is do not advertise. Make your car look like any other car that you are parked next to. If someone does look in your car they should see nothing. Not even those all those stupid looking CD cases that everyone keeps on the floors, the seats, and the visor. The radio face should be detached and put away. Nothing else and I mean nothing of value should be visable.

    An alarm is nice, but if you have enough advertising on your car, your stuff will be gone. Alarm or not. Think for one minute. If he sees nothing, and does not believe there is anything of value in your car, he will go to the next one.

    Here is an alarming fact, almost all car stereo theft was commited by someone the owner knew. That person knew how to remove the system quickly. Again, dont advertise.

    Back to the alarm, most people ignore them. 95% of alarms going off right now, are for no reason other than a fly landed on the car, or a bird just sh*t on the car. The ONLY reason your alarm should be going off is if someone has just broke in the car, period. The other 4% is going off because stupid (the owner) don't know how to operate it.

    The gun thing, get real, the perp ain't going to ask you if you got a gun before he breaks in.

    Now at home, Park it in your drive way, put motion sensors in the drive way that turn on outside lights. Simple and it works. My carport lights turn on automatically when motion is detected and stay on for about 3-4 minutes.
    An electrician put my setup in and it was not expesive, considering what I have in my truck and my car.

    Definately put in an alarm, but if you fart next to your car and the alarm goes off, some thing is wrong. And your alarm is not doing any good.

    Common sense and don't advertise.
  12. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Oh, c;mon Ranger, a gunshot to the head of some SOB trying to take your audio system, Thats GOTTA deel good!!!!!

    Back in a minute, got a link somewhere around here where a gun prevented a truck from getting stolen........well, it was stolen, but HA HA!!!!!! It didnt get far and the SOB paid with his life....BRB
  13. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Nice video...
  14. ajrubincpa

    ajrubincpa New Member

    2 things I recommend: Have a good car alarm. I think everyone has said that. The other thing is that I make everything look stealth. I am only intertested in having good quality sound. I am not interested in showing off some people do. No one can even tell that I have a good system. I have never had anything in my car stolen. Of course, no one is going to want to steal a 10 year old Ford.
  15. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    Hmmm makes you think.
  16. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    alarm is the big one.
    rabid dog inside at night.
    um.....air horns under the seats to go off with car alarm.
    um....rabid squirrels.
    dont advertise you have a system.i.e turn it down a block before you get where you are going.roll up the windows too.tint helps i guess.

    thats all i got.i put a siren under the dash of my old truck.worked one ever messed with it though....thank god.
  17. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Um my friend hooked up 6 sirens inside his old caddy a year ago before he sold it...he had a different siren in each air vent inside. He rigged it up to his alarmed and used relays to set each siren off one after the other....him and his friend tested out how loud it was inside and he said his ears literally started bleeding...mind you he already has hearing damage from all of his sub systems lol
  18. DaveDSMer

    DaveDSMer Full Member

    i like the rabid squirel idea.
  19. DREAMZmustang

    DREAMZmustang Full Member

    honestly though if you have a car alarm and you dont have a fancy remote and lets say your shopping at walmart at about 9pm and your in the store and your alarm goes off for whatever reason how many people stop and actually stop to look to see what car it is?
    out here in ny no one stops